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Turbocharged AI analytics for customer intelligence.

Discover a one-stop analytics solution for the complete customer journey, delivering comprehensive risk scores and the world's only Financial Inclusion Score.

Highly complex
AI customer analytics, simplified.

Start navigating the complex customer journey, fearlessly. Integrate our all-in-one solution today for multiple use cases.

Your AI Analytics Navigator for every customer journey.

Our end-to-end AI-powered analytics scores offer a 5-layered approach in a unified API, ensuring each level adds depth and clarity to your insights. This one-stop comprehensive solution steers your decisions with confidence, all in one place.

The World's First
Financial Inclusion Score:

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Five advanced AI customer analytics scores in a one-stop, seamless solution, covering 99% of the population.



Fortify your defenses with advanced AI and safeguard against first and third party fraud attempts.

Are you ready to block 99% of synthetic identity fraud attempts and account takeovers?

Enter the first line of defense against emerging fraud tactics, shielding you from evolving threats. Vigilance and adaptability to changing fraud techniques are essential for upholding a secure environment.

The Secure ID & Fraud Score reinforces this vigilance by leveraging advanced AI and data analysis, factoring specific data attributes to deliver unparalleled protection against first and third-party fraud. Your existing safeguards may fall short, but with our solutions, you're well-prepared.

Confidently identify stable customer incomes and strengthen your decisioning strategies.

If your current approach is missing vital income stability metrics, then you're not getting the full spectrum of customer insights.

Explore the second layer of AI analytics:
The Income Stability Score confidently identifies stable customer incomes while addressing income-related risks.

We meticulously calculate income stability by factoring:​

  • Age

  • Profession

  • Job history

  • Company association

  • Relationship to spouse income

  • Head of household composition

  • Average job-type salaries

Deploy supercharged pattern detection beyond traditional scoring models.

Is your credit assessment overlooking invisible threats?

Advance into the third layer of trust with our Credit Trust Score. This comprehensive analysis delves into financial indicators, enabling lenders to identify creditworthy borrowers even with limited credit history. By integrating diverse data sources, we help you transform your credit risk assessment and expand access across a broad customer spectrum.

By conducting an in-depth examination of a customer's financial profile, which includes assessing stability through income, assets, and debt, we equip you to make well-informed decisions while eliminating hidden risks.

Don't let blind spots compromise your credit risk analysis – we minimize vulnerabilities and uncover hidden risks for you.

Intelligent geo-behavioral customer blueprints for targeted strategies.

If you're not decoding location-based behaviors and nuanced preferences about your customers, then you're missing pivotal strategic advantages. Let's change that.

In the ever-changing landscape of today, understanding your customers transcends traditional demographics. It's about unraveling the dynamic interplay of location and behavior over time.

Our GeoLifestyle Scores unlock profound insights, offering an intelligent blueprint to anticipate, engage, and cater to the nuanced preferences and patterns shaping your customer's journey.

With 1datapipe's sophisticated analytics solution, you can explore every dimension of your customer's landscape, including insights into: 


  • Cross-channel mapping of the customer journey

  • High-value customer and prospect segmentation

  • Hidden patterns/preferences shaping customer choices

  • On/offline behavior analysis of customer interactions

  • Competitive customer behavior and brand propensity

Identify untapped potential of
underserved, creditworthy profiles. 

Are you leaving safe, creditworthy customers behind?

In the final layer, the Financial Inclusion Score becomes your compass for navigating a complete and inclusive financial landscape. This all-inclusive score combines insights from the preceding layers, ensuring a holistic view of your customer's journey.

Identifying creditworthy individuals is often overlooked by traditional screening methods. By unlocking opportunities in an expansive and unexplored market, we ensure that no eligible customers are excluded from your financial services. 

By merging personalized analysis with a behavior-based approach, dynamically calculating the underbanked status for a given profile. Discover untapped potential, mitigate fraud risk, and promote financial inclusivity with unparalleled precision, taking into account:

  • Secure ID & Fraud Score

  • Income Stability Score

  • Credit Trust Score

  • Payment Behavior Patterns 

  • Propensity to Consume More

  • Unbiased New Customer Lending

  • Lifestyle & Financial Clustering


Complex, high-value
AI customer analytics, simplified.

Effortlessly navigate the complexities of the customer journey with our one-stop, multi dimensional solution. 

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